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Student Leadership

The purpose of the Secondary School Councils (SSCs) is to give all Secondary students a stake in the managerial decision-making process and the opportunity to advise senior managers on practical, day-to-day matters.

The Middle Phase Student Council (MPSC) is made up of student representatives from Year 6-8.  Towards the end of Term 1 students are given the opportunity to apply for a position on the MPSC and places are given to students whose written application shows the relevant maturity and commitment to the school community.

The MPSC meets weekly with the Middle Phase Head Teacher and is responsible for the running and implementing of a number of Middle Phase initiatives, in the past these have included the MP Football Tournament, the Litter Monitors and the MP Variety Show.

The Higher Phase Student Council (HPSC) comprises two representatives, one male and one female, from each Year 9-12 tutor group, plus one representative from each Year 13 tutor group.

Student Council Elections

Elections take place annually, within each tutor group, during the third or fourth full week of the first term. The process for elections is that male and female students must be nominated and seconded by members of their tutor group. Nominated students may accept or decline the nomination. If more than one student of either gender is nominated, seconded and accepts the nomination, a secret ballot will be held. The class tutor will count the votes. In the event of a tie, the class tutor will have a casting vote. Students who are also Senior Prefects or House Captains may not be nominated as representatives.

Each councillor is presented with a badge of office, which they should wear when at school. The Head Boy and Head Girl (as well as their deputies) are ex officio members.

Student Council Responsibilities

Once appointed, councillors should not normally resign their positions before the end of the academic year. However, if any councillor does not fulfil their responsibility to the Coordinator's satisfaction, or whose behaviour is judged by the Coordinator to be below the standard expected of a councillor, they may be removed from post and a by-election will be held in their tutor group for a replacement councillor of the same gender.

The councils meet weekly, usually starting in Week 6 or 7 of the academic year. The relevant Coordinator chairs the meeting. The Head Teacher and/or the Assistant Head Teacher attend these meetings on a regular basis. The Principal and the Public Relations Manager sometimes also attend. Each Year 6-11 councillor attends to represent their tutor group every other week. If the councillor whose turn it is to attend is absent, the other councillor in their tutor group should attend in their place. If neither councillor is present, no student from the tutor group should attend that week. Year 12-13 councillors attend every week.

Issues frequently discussed include school events, charity ventures, facilities, uniform and catering. Minutes of each meeting are distributed to students and staff. During the next PSHE lesson after each meeting, Year 6-11 councillors are required to brief their tutor group about matters discussed. Councillors are also given an opportunity to poll their tutor groups for new issues to be added to the agenda and discussed at the next meeting.

In accordance with the Secondary Housepoint System, councillors (as well as Senior Prefects in attendance) receive one housepoint for each meeting that they have attended and for which they have ticked the attendance register.

Higher Phase Prefects

A vertical prefect system operates within the higher Phase. Prefects are appointed in Years 9-13.

Appointing Prefects

All prefects are appointed following a formal application procedure. In Sixth Form, some students are interviewed before appointments are made. Students who are new to the school may become Sixth Form prefects. Some Year 13 prefects are appointed to the Senior Prefect Team, from which the Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy(s) and Deputy Head Girl(s) are selected.

Prefect Responsibilities

Prefects are expected to model the best possible standards of attendance, punctuality, work, uniform and behaviour. Prefects are expected to attend and perform their duties reliably. Sixth Form prefects have additional responsibilities which are explained on their application form.

  • In addition to the normal duties of a Prefect, Senior Prefects are expected to:
  • perform the role of prefect in an exemplary manner
  • train, monitor and appraise the Prefect Team.
  • deal with day-to-day administrative tasks, such as duty absence cover.

The Deputy Head Boy(s) and Deputy Head Girl(s) assist the Head Boy and Head Girl in fulfilling their responsibilities, and deputise for them as required. Member of the Senior Prefect Team attend student council meetings.

Once appointed, prefects should not normally resign their positions before the end of the academic year. However, any prefect who is judged by the Coordinator or the Head Teacher not to be meeting the required standards may be removed from the Prefect Team, with or without warning. Should it be deemed necessary, the removal from post will also extend to the following academic year.

The Sixth Form Coordinator is authorised, at his or her sole discretion, to appoint additional Sixth Form prefects throughout the year and to promote Year 13 prefects to the Senior Prefect Team.

Additional prefects in Years 9-11 may be appointed as required and at the discretion of the relevant Coordinator or Head Teacher.